Academic papers

Korean Neural Machine Translation Using Hierarchical Word Structure

Jeonghyeok Park and Hai Zhao. International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP 2020)

Collaborative Anomaly Detection for Internet of Things based on Federated Learning

Seongwoo Kim, He Cai, Cunqing Hua, Pengwenlong Gu, Wenchao Xu, Jeonghyeok Park. IEEE International Conference on Communication in China. August 09-11, 2020.

Korean-to-Chinese Machine Translation using Chinese Character as Pivot Clue

Jeonghyeok Park and Hai Zhao. 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 33).

Real-time Recognition of Guitar Performance Using Two Sensor Groups for Interactive Lesson

Yejin Shin, Jemin Hwang, Jeonghyeok Park, and Soonuk Seol. TEI ‘18 Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and embodied Interaction.


Apparatus for Controlling Performance and Control Method Thereof (in korean)

Soouk Seol, Lee Jaeyeong, Park Jeonghyeok, Park Jinuk, Han Yumin (10-2016-0156882/10-1836332)